Thursday 28 November 2013

Beatitude Supreme Happiness Treatment Review

We have been delighted this year to have developed a professional treatment that complements our aromatherapy retail line. We were asked by Fletcher's Cottage Spa in East Lothian to create a treatment that would be different to their existing treatment menu and offer their client's a new and different aromatherapy massage.

This was both an exciting and challenging proposal and so I went through all the professional manuals from many training courses (spanning 25 years) and I started by making notes and putting together different massage movements to create a new treatment, and changing the typical aromatherapy sequence. This combined with our luxurious serum like plant oils (Daikon Radish, Oat Oil, Camellia Oil) with the pure essential oil blends plus the introduction of the Hot Stones results in a fabulous, flowing treatment where you feel relaxed yet uplifted after the massage. After lots of trials on family and friends I presented the Beatitude Supreme Happiness treatment and manual to Fletcher's Spa in the Spring and I am happy to say that this treatment has been really well received and we have had lots of great feedback from clients and this rather fabulous review of the Supreme Happiness treatment from Ruth Walker at the Scotsman - See Below.
To book this treatment call 01620897580 or visit for further details.